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Earth and Space

We endeavor to encourage 1 person daily, whether that 1 person be me or you.  For centuries scientists have searched for the origin and explanation of life, to now reach the summit of scientific evidence that has long been inhabited by God and His Word. 


As people everywhere try to understand what on earth is happening to our world today, we would be better served to put down our cell phones and newspapers and pick up the prophetic Love in the Bible.  


Designedplanet is a non-profit website intended to encourage by highlighting God’s clear daily revelations of His divine nature through His creation and His Word. In response to "The Great Commission," we offer only, Peace, Love & Joy.  Provided by God to lead to His Truth and to help believers to "Be prepared to give answers for the assurance of their faith."    1 Peter 3:15


"For since the creation of the world, His invisible attributes, His eternal power and design nature, have been clearly seen, being understood by what he has made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God. They became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools."   Romans 1:22 


Publisher's Note:   While on a father son trip of Junior High students, we were sitting around the campfire under a full moon.  I had recently heard the role the moon plays in making earth inhabitable.  Sharing that truth is how DesignedPlanet originated.  Suited for individual worship and classrooms, the content has also proved to be useful in prison ministry group discussions.

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